Donations flying into Men’s Shed
Before the Tin Can Bay Community and Men’s Shed can be hooked up to sewerage and water, a Hydraulic Engineer had to be employed for the design work. This report has been paid for and submitted to Gympie Council along with the application for the sewerage and water connection.
We have received a complete kitchen as new, ceiling fans, lights, switches, shower screen and wash
basin, chrome handrails, mixer taps, plus other fittings.
We have been donated framing timber from Hyne to construct the framing for the walls for the kitchen, office and toilets. A table saw and office desk and drawers, lounges, outdoor seating, and a dart board have also been donated.
The grey paint for the floor has been donated by a member, and many thanks go to that member. A big thank you must go to ALL the people who have given donations to the shed!
Kevin from Wallu Nursery will be starting work shortly on the landscaping. The President will be contacting members by phone for working bees.
Next meeting 10am March 3. The raffle is being drawn on March 3, please bring your raffle books, only a few outstanding. For information please phone the President Brian Lindfield, 54862835.