Cooloola coast waterwatch needs you!
Coastcare has received further funding from Everyone’s Environment Grants (Qld Govt) to trial an improved environmentally friendly approach to stormwater drains that lead to the creeks.
Recent Gympie Council and BMRG supported works have brought vast improvements to Cooloola Cove creeks, which are flowing freely and will soon be alive with July Wallum Spring wildflowers.
Surprisingly, the water quality test at Mullens Creek showed up good results in all 5 parameters.This community work is very important if we wish to maintain our natural areas as a tourism drawcard.
The waterwatch project is for anyone who wishes to participate – a welcome morning tea will be held at Coral’s place 10am Saturday July 4. Contact Coral (pictured with Grant) or the Project Coordinator 0417 554 905.
We welcome new waterwatchers, only takes half an hour once every 2 months!
Local schools are encouraged to contact us to join the local waterwatch program.
Classroom kits are available for use. Email the Projects Coordinator