Community Pantry update
Ronnie Timperon
Getting the Rainbow Beach Community Pantry up and running has been a slow process, but Chappy Ronnie reports that all of the equipment needed to store donated goods that will be redirected to families who need a hand is finally in place.
Several months ago a commercial refrigerator was kindly donated by Debbie Gordon from the Frying Fish Cafe, but transport was needed to move it the short distance up the road to the Church of the Good Shepherd. The wonderful Kristie from IGA, who has a forklift licence, volunteered to move it and with the help of Ben on traffic control, it happened in next to no time!
In the last week of November, a team from Red Frogs visited Rainbow Beach as part of Schoolies Week and leader Tim, pastor of Victory Church in Maryborough, kindly donated a freezer so the pantry is now all set to start.
Representatives of Tin Can Bay Community Church, who have been looking into providing a similar service to Tin Can Bay and Cooloola Cove residents, have also made contact with local supermarkets.
Joining forces will provide the resources to assist families in Tin Can Bay and Cooloola Cove with a depot at the Op Shop in Buchanan Avenue, as well as here in Rainbow Beach. Keep an eye on Words Out Rainbow Beach and in this paper for when the Community Pantry is open for business!
If anyone would like to donate food or personal hygiene items, please contact Chappy Ronnie on 0413 135 867.