City Farm – Plant of the Month – “Shade Loving Plants”
We are trying a different slant this month and are concentrating on Shade Loving Plants…which are found in the greenhouse. This area is open to the public so please feel free to wander in and browse.
Plants that can be found in this area include:
Viola hederacea– creeping ground cover, violet / white flowers – see photo
Viola bentonicifolia – tufted ground cover, violet flowers
Crinum pedunculatum – perennial bulb, white flowers summer/autumn stalks 1.5cm
Artanema fimbriatum [Koala Bells] – herb 30-60cm, mauve flowers, spring/autumn
We wish to take this opportunity to say goodbye to Linda Quinlan this month. She has been at City Farm since 2015 and during this period voluntarily took on the role of Secretary/Treasurer with great commitment. She will be sorely missed by all her friends and we wish her all the best for this next stage of her life with Vincent in their new home at Hervey Bay.
City Farm Nursery now has EFTPOS which should make things easier for our patrons.
We are located opposite the Community Centre at 4 Amity Place.
We open to the public on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays 8am-3.00pm.
Contact number: (07) 5486-2304.
Email address:
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