Busy month for QCWA
CWA have started our Craft mornings which have been well supported, and our Hoy Wednesday was a great success in mid-March with an Easter Theme. The Easter Bunny visited too!
The Twilight Walk for International Women’s Day was held on the 8 March and we raised $130.00 in donations. Thank you to the RSL for allowing us to use the Hall for refreshments on a very hot evening. Thanks too to Maggie Travers for organizing the event.
On our second Craft morning in April Beth will be making Easter Cards – come along and join in for a small donation and morning tea. Craft items are supplied.
Our Photography Competition is now closed. If there are any late entries please ring our Photography Convener Lorraine on 5486 2226 for all enquiries. Judging will be held soon.
Congratulations, Lorraine Bishop on receiving her 20 years’ service badge to CWA.
All welcome to our Craft mornings – Wednesdays 6 and 13 April at 10am.
Hoy will be held at Cooloola Bowls Club – Wednesday 20 April, 9.30 for 10am start.
Happy Easter and stay safe.
All enquiries – Wendy Ritchie – President 0412 547 043