Who is your favourite dolphin?
We never get tired of Mystique’s never ending “gifts”. Cleaning up the waterways seems to be his one ambition, but of course scoring a fish in the process.
Visitors have been enthralled with his antics. He is sure to go down in the history books.
We only hope that visitors and locals alike do their bit in keeping the waterways clean like Mystique.
We have been reasonably lucky in Australia by not having a lot of plastics entering the waterways like overseas, but the scourge is close to home with bird chicks dying on the beaches on Lord Howe Island from pieces of plastic accumulated in their stomachs.
The parent birds are picking up small pieces of plastic in the ocean (thinking its food) and feeding the chicks. Devastating.
On a more cheerful note, we are having a lovely time at the Dolphin Centre meeting many people from all over Queensland as they travel into areas not previously seen. The word is out, so we will expect a busy summer.
Come feed the wild dolphins in Tin Can Bay, have a coffee and some breakfast while watching the dolphins in front of you.
The pod consists of the alpha male, Mystique; he is very cheeky and is well known for the gifts he brings in such as glass bottles, rocks and even a pair of sunglasses!
Then we have Patch, another male in the pod, Ella and her calf Joe, Aussie and her calf Luna, then we get the occasional visit from mischievous Mr Harmony and shy Mr Squirt.
We’re open from 7am and feeding starts at approximately 7.30am, but get in early and quick as the dolphins don’t stick around all day.
Just $10 covers entry and feeding! What a bargain, you won’t find that price anywhere else! We accept cash and also have eftpos available if you couldn’t get to the ATM the day before.
A lovely review left for us by Judy Olsen “A great family outing! My daughter and granddaughters and I all absolutely LOVED it. Will probably become a yearly pilgrimage for us, it was so SPECIAL.”
Hope to see you soon.
Stay safe,
Norma Sanderson, volunteer