Guest speaker Sharna Brook will be empowering each participant with valuable insights into conquering anxiety
2 TCB Ladies Open Bowls, TCB Country Club, come along and watch some entertaining games
4 LIVE MUSIC – Doug Edwards, 7.30pm, RB Sports Club
4 LIVE MUSIC – Brad Sorensen Duo, 7pm, TCB Country Club
5 Barefoot Bowls, TCB Country Club 4.30pm. $10/$5 adults/kids. To register phone Ann: 0437 529 444
5 ‘Old Time’ dance lessons with Mal and Karen. Info: Julie McPhail 0428 824 115
5 LIVE MUSIC – Andrew Copland, 7.30pm, RB Sports Club
5 LIVE MUSIC – Graeme Jensen, 7pm, TCB Country Club
6 ANARRA Plants for Wildlife Workshop, Chatsworth Hall, Chatsworth. Botanical guru Marc Russell will share his incredible knowledge of local native plants that nurture native wildlife. Free for ANARRA members/$10 for non-members. For more info or to reserve a seat email anarrawildlife@gmail.com
11 LIVE MUSIC – Graeme Jensen, 7.30pm, RB Sports Club
11 LIVE MUSIC – Rocknrollabillys, 7pm, TCB Country Club
12 Cooroy Mountain Spring Festival, 7am-3pm 314 Cooroy Mountain Road, Cooroy. www.cooroymountainspringfestival.com.au
12 ‘RESTORE Your Vitality and Vrrrrm’ Energy Workshop to Restore Wellbeing, 10am-2.30pm, RB Community Hall. $195pp. Learn a process to bring the body/mind/spirit into a state of balance and harmony with instructor Nikki Barrett of Revelation Kinesiology. Info & tickets: revelationkinesiology.com
12 CoolaFlix FREE movie at RB Community Centre, hosted by RB Community Pantry. See page 29.
12 Rock & Roll Dance Extravaganza by TCB RSL Sub Branch. BBQ, raffles, live music. Profits go to Kids With Cancer Foundation. Info: 5486 2110
12 Sit Down Comedy Club, from 6pm, RB Sports Club. 18+ event. $35pp. Details: see page 6.
12 LIVE MUSIC – Asleep At The Reel, 7.30pm, RB Sports Club
13 Charity Golf Day, TCB Country Club, 9.30am shotgun start. $40pp/$120 team, prizes & raffles, decorate your buggy, dress up in purple. Proceeds will buy Christmas presents for children affected by domestic violence.
18 Vietnam Veterans’ Day. Rainbow Beach service: Tin Can Bay service: 11am, Anzac Memorial Park followed by refreshments at TCB RSL sub-branch.
18 LIVE MUSIC – One 4 The Road, 7pm, TCB Country Club
18 LIVE MUSIC – Cool Lula, 7.30pm, RB Sports Club
19 Shed Shop Sale Day, TCBCAMS, Amity Place TCB
19 Karaoke with Just Jen, 7.30pm, RB Sports Club
19 Country Hall Dance, 7.30-11.30pm, Goomboorian Memorial Hall hosted by Cooloola Coast Dances Group. Info: Julie McPhail 0428 824 115
20 Show ‘N’ Shine, Maryborough Hockey Assoc cnr Neptune & Woodstock St Maryborough. 9am-2pm (Entrant vehicles/bikes to arrive between 7am-9am). Food vans, cold drinks, music entertainment. $5 for cars & bikes, gold coin for public – funds raised go to Maryborough Special School P&C.
25 LIVE MUSIC – Junction Road, 7pm, TCB Country Club
26-27 Wildflowering At Cooloola 2023, 9.30am-4pm Sat, 9am-1pm Sun, various locations in Rainbow and surrounds. See page 3 for details and link to book tickets.
25 LIVE MUSIC – RlyAir (band), 7.30pm, RB Sports Club
26 LIVE MUSIC – Vanessa Sanger, 7.30pm, RB Sports Club
29 ‘Embracing Confidence & Understanding Anxiety’ free event by CCWAB, 10am Phil Rogers Park, Rainbow Beach.
2 Little Kids Day Out, Gympie Showgrounds 10am-2pm, free community event. Info: www.littlekidsdayout.org.au
2-3 Cooloola Dragon Boat Club Regatta, Snapper Creek, Tin Can Bay
14 R U OK? Day www.ruok.org.au
16 Bush Dance, RB Community Centre, 5-9pm featuring band Flashjack. See more details and ticket information on page 29.
24 Spring Faerie Markets, Lake Alford Park, Gympie 10am-2pm faeriefestival.com.au
25 Entries for photography section of Ambulance Flower Show due by today (if not before) – deliver to TCB Fruit & Veg or RB Library.
29 Entries for plant and flower sections of Ambulance Flower Show due between 2pm and 5pm, deliver to TCB Community Centre.
30 Ambulance Flower Show. Proceeds to Local Ambulance Committee. From 9am, TCB Community Centre. Start preparing your flowers, plants, photographs now!
Save The Date:
30/9 Ambulance Flower Show. Proceeds to Local Ambulance Committee. Start preparing your flowers, plants, photographs now!
20/4/24 Friendship Day by TCB Quilters. Stay tuned for more details.
WEEKLY (many are term time only)
Week days
5.30am TCB Bootcamp, 7am & 5.30pm RB Gym classes, Ph: 0490 333 147
9am Heart Foundation Wheelie Walking Group Cooloola Cove, Judy 5486 2181. Meet at bus shelter outside shopping centre on Nautilus Drive.
9am Painting for beginners, Tuncunba Hall, Tin Can Bay, Kerri 0438 803 990
9am-12pm Macrame class, $5, TCB Community & Men’s Shed, Carole 0437 880 438 for bookings
10.30-11am First Five Forever Storytime (0-5 years) at RB Library. Bookings essential: 5486 3705
11am -12.30pm Book a librarian, RB Library
2nd Monday – 1.30 – 3.30pm Life Drawing with model,Tuncunba Hall, Tin Can Bay, Robyn 0419 663 271
2nd Monday – Probus meeting, 2pm at Sandcastle Motel TCB, new members welcome. Cherryl 0409 044 100 or Katrina cooloolaprobus@gmail.com
Middle Eastern Movement class by Soul from the Belly, Emperor St Community Hall TCB. Early session 1-2pm, evening session 5.30-6.30pm. First class free. Book by calling Jess on 0411 218 254
2nd Tuesday – Veterans and Community Morning Tea, Tin Can Bay RSL, from 10am
2nd & 4th Nibbles & Giggles at Goomeri Library, social get together to chat over a cuppa, 10am – ph 4168 4340 for info
8.30am Kindy Linq, RB School Library
9am Drawing & Pastel group all levels, tutoring for beginners, Tuncunba Hall, Tin Can Bay, Kerri 0438 803 990
9am TCB Quilters, TCB Community Centre, President Louise Hanks 0488 951 881
9am – 12 Noon, MEN ONLY morning, TCB Community & Men’s Shed, Paul Boulton 0437 007 911
10am Tin Can Bay Art Group, TCB Library
11am-12pm English Conversation Group, come along to make new friends and improve your English, Gympie Library, bookings not needed
12.30-3.30pm Mahjong – Join in at TCB Library for a wonderful afternoon playing Mahjong, an ancient Chinese tile game of strategy, calculation and skill with a measure of chance. This group is open to everyone, young and old
2-4pm Book a librarian, TCB Library
7:00am Heart Foundation Walking Group TCB, Maggie 0400 756 615
8am Table tennis – singles, 9am doubles, $2 all levels welcome, RB Community Hall, 5486 3355
8.30am Kindy Linq, RB School Library
9:30am Cooloola Card Makers, TCB Library
3rd Hoy hosted by QCWA, 9.30am for a 10am start, Cooloola Coast Bowls Club, Amity Place TCB. Wendy 0412 547 043 or Judy 0402 769 392
3-4pm Coolabay Choir, CC Vets’ Hall, Pam: 0427180649
4-6pm (From 7 June) Exploring Drama With Sheryl adult drama classes. RB Hall. Gold coin donation. Sheryl: 0497 542 857
8am (1 May-30 October) 7am (1 November-30 April), $3 RB Sports Club, All welcome. Chris: 0417605484 or Pat: 0407 433 602
8.30am Playgroup, RB School Library
9am – 12 Noon, MEN ONLY morning, TCB Community & Men’s Shed, Paul Boulton 0437 007 911
9.30am First Five Forever Storytime (0-5 years), TCB Library
9.30am Bingo for Local Ambulance Committee, TCB Country Club
2.30pm Dragon Boating every Thursday, Sandra: 0402 352 756
3.30-4.45pm Robotics Thursday, Gympie Library, bookings not necessary (but space is limited)
4th Friday Community catch up at RB Hall, 8am
9am Heart Foundation Wheelie Walking Group Cooloola Cove, Judy 5486 2181. Meet at bus shelter outside shopping centre on Nautilus Drive.
9am-12pm Chess/Rummykub at TCB Community & Men’s Shed, gold coin for morning tea, no need to book
1st & 3rd Rainbow Beach Art Group, RB Library 10am, phone 5486 3705 for more information
2.30-4pm Book a librarian – do you need a hand to get started online? Do you have a question about something that you have recently learned? Book in for a one-on-one, half hour session, TCB Library
3.30-4.30pm Tinker Table STEAM Makerspace, Gympie Library, bookings not necessary
2nd Friday – Twilight Markets, Amity Place TCB 4pm-7pm. Community market with market fee proceeds going to community groups. Contact Jenny Jackson 0424 639 572.
7.30-10.30pm Live music at RB Sports Club. Grab a drink and a feed and enjoy some local talent. www.rainbowsportsclub.com.au
7:00am Heart Foundation Walking Group TCB, Maggie 0400 756 615
2nd Saturday Rainbow Beach Market – Book: 5486 3355
3rd Saturday Tin Can Bay Market – Book: 0418 711 897
2.30pm Little Athletics, TCB School oval, Jess: 0411 218 254
2.30pm Cooloola Coast Little Athletics training, TCB School Oval. Jess Milne – 0411 218 254 or see the CCLA FB page
4.30pm 1st Barefoot Bowls at TCB Bowls Club
5pm Mass at St John Vianney Catholic Church, Bream St, TCB (week 1, 2, 5)
7.30-10.30pm Live music at RB Sports Club. Grab a drink and a feed and enjoy some local talent. www.rainbowsportsclub.com.au
7am Mass at St Peter the Fisherman Catholic Church, Manooka Dr, RB (week 1, 2, 5) and Tin Can Bay (week 3, 4)
7.30am Dragon Boating, Sandra: 0402 352 756
9.30am Service at Good Shepherd Church, 17 Carlo Road, RB, followed by morning tea – all denominations most welcome