Warriors host bring a friend night
by Bobbie-jo Parton, Head Coach/Swim Instructor, 0467 970-619
The Rainbow Beach Swim Club had our first club night for the season on October 16. Welcome new club kids and welcome back previous members.
It is an exciting time for me when swim season starts; swimmer’s times are now set into place for the season.
Thank you to all of our members for the hard work in fundraising – our marquee for swim meets and club night has arrived.
Come join in on a club night and see if it’s for you! Bring a friend night on November 13 with a 4.45pm start, $3 entry per swimmer or $8 per family (includes BBQ).
Swim club is free to join if you are 7 and under.
Warriors attended the Cooroy twilight meet and Mikala Daniels earned her first medal, Bronze in Breast stroke. She had been working very hard for it!
We had a few first time swimmers including ‘under six’ Jahli Parton who swam 25m of Freestyle and Breaststroke. It is such a long way for the little ones. They all competed with big smiles, we are very proud of you all. Great efforts from Luxie-leigh, Seth, Chloe, Mikala, Amber, Jahli and Cyndari.
Squad times are:
Monday 6am Senior, 6.30am JNR, 3.30pm JNR/Development and 4.45pm Senior
Tuesday 3.30pm JNR and 4.45 Senior
Wednesday 6am Senior, 6.30 JNR, 3.30 JNR and 4.45 Senior (Dry land and swim day: must have shoes)
Thursday 4pm Development
Friday 3.15 JNR and Senior 4.45pm
Please bring your cap, goggles, fins, paddles and water bottle.
All are welcome to attend squad, you do not have to be a swim club member.