craft Archive

ARTYFestival – a gallery of local art and craft in May: The 2018 ARTYBall revealed that there is a swag of local artistic
A talented two: The McFarlanes are a quiet pair, you’re more likely to see them
Craft Vintage and Recyclables Fair and more at the Hall: For an end-of-year clean out or stock up, there will be a
Craft Club help the planet: Ellie Webb, Council’s Waste Education Coordinator (pictured right with Carmel Newton and
Tin Can Bay craft news: Well, another year over and into 2018, with everyone happy to see
QCWA Tin Can Bay – Fun, fitness and a few UFOs: HOY games are running again every third Wednesday of the month. Entry
Tin Can Bay Craft Club News: Jan Low In November our club had sad news with the passing
A quarter of a century for Tin Can Bay Craft Club: Over 60 attended the 25th Birthday celebrations of the Tin Can Bay
Craft Club celebration: The Tin Can Bay Craft Club will be celebrating 25 years from
Leather goods raise over $4000 for charity: If you have wandered down to the Rainbow Beach Market at the