Stay healthy by boosting your immune system

A diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables with adequate proteins can provide the nutrients to help keep us healthy.In the last month with the increasing surge in COVID cases in our region, it has become a necessity to learn how to boost our immunity and keep safe.

A diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables with adequate proteins can provide the nutrients to help keep us healthy.

If you are considering supplementing with nutraceuticals, here are some hints to help you choose good quality products.

Taking vitamin C can decrease the length of infection by boosting white blood cell count as it is  antiviral and antioxidant. The best forms of vitamin C are:1 liposomal 2 buffered vitamin C which is a non-acidic form and gentler on the stomach.

Zinc is an essential nutrient and it is involved in hundreds of chemical reactions in our body. It is responsible for our sense of taste and smell. A good quality zinc is bisglycinate, sulfate, or picolinate.

A good source of probiotics requires refrigeration and it is a must for boosting your immunity.

Other nutrients that are worth considering are quercetin, bromelain and celloids.

Last but not least to enhance immunity, “our beautiful tinctures”: germ fighter and the immuno booster (combinations of high standard herbal tinctures).

If you would like to learn more about quality products and/or would like to purchase one of our tinctures or flower essences you can find us online at and in person at

Rainbow Beach markets.

Online consultations are now available.

Love+Light x

Roberta Muzzarelli

Rainbow Naturals


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