Rainbow Beach Over 60s – April 2016
posted by Editor | March 31, 2016 | In Things to See and DoQuite a few people in our group hadn’t explored the little villages up the Sandy Strait between Rainbow and Maryborough; so a group of about a dozen decided to go for morning tea and lunch at the picnic grounds at Tinnanbar to check out this village.
And what a surprise. The picnic spot was very pleasant, well maintained with clean picnic tables, a good barbecue and a very clean and bright amenities block. Great murals.
The grounds were quite shaded, sprinkled with large gums, so that with a little bit of judicious chair shuffling we were able to sit in the shade for the morning. The breeze from the strait added to the enjoyment.
The little beach was actually sandy, although no one ventured into the water in spite of it being high tide. The small village is very tidy, with attractive and well kept lawns and gardens. Worth a visit.
As usual, the shared lunch was pretty good with the added treat that Doug Collins appeared in his tinnie from his anchorage over at Fraser and treated us to freshly caught crab.
Our next gathering will be the monthly Tuesday coffee morning at the Surf Club, this month on April 5. To date there has been no decision on an outing or an evening for April, so this will be discussed at the coffee morning on the fifth, where we can all catch up.