Music good for the soul
Music Plus has had the last musical evening of the season and now we rest as others organise musical events, amongst all the other entertainment in the area.
The evening started with the Cooloola Coast Ukulele Group accompanying some singalong items, which everyone enjoyed. This was followed by two favourites, Kay and Sarah, who entertained us with their Irish music, accompanying themselves on guitar and Bodhran.
Local musician Ron gave us a great deal of pleasure with his usual rendering of popular songs, and Pam and Len on piano and harmonica gave us two favourites Misty and I Love to Love.
Our newcomer, Geoffrey, gave an interesting version of two blues numbers and showed us all his mastery of the guitar, whilst Frank and Marilyn gave us their own rendering of folk tunes and later were joined by Lyn!
Keith rushed in, complete with Tricorne hat and sang us several Australian tunes before disappearing again back to his other venue at The Snack Shack in Tin Can Bay, where you can find him most Thursday evenings.
Our dear Laurence sang for us again in his inimitable style, which is so appreciated, and Joyce and Pam, in classical mood, gave an exceptional performance on two pianos from one of Handel’s concertos called, The Cuckoo and the Nightingale. Always much appreciated by our discerning audience.
Now we take a rest and let the music in this community continue to blossom and grow in various venues, at various times, by various people! Welcome to music everywhere!