Learn about Vanuatu at World Day of Prayer

Cyclone Pam II: 13th of March, 2015 by Juliette Pita is the painting chosen to represent World Day of Prayer, 2021
Good Shepherd Anglican Church is hosting the 2021 World Day of Prayer, and this year the country in focus is Vanuatu.
The special Cooloola Coast World Day of Prayer Service is at 10am Friday, March 5 at 17 Carlo Road, Rainbow Beach.
Organiser Annette Collins said, “Women of Vanuatu’s combined churches compiled the service – to be celebrated worldwide.
“It’s an ecumenical occasion with all Cooloola Coast churches participating in the service. Chappy Ronnie with 10 RBSS leaders will also be attending.”
Over 170 countries are involved in the event. You learn about another country, cultures and languages – the joys, concerns and needs of other people and pray for them.
Vanuatu’s susceptibility to cyclones is highlighted in the painting chosen to represent this year’s event, titled Cyclone Pam II: 13th of March, 2015.
It shows a mother bending and praying over her child. The waves crash over her but a palm tree bends protectively over them.
The woman’s skirt is modelled after the traditional clothing on Erromango. On the horizon you can see small crosses representing the lives taken by cyclone Pam in 2015.
The artist, Juliette Pita, born in 1964 on Erromango Island, is currently the most well-known artist in Vanuatu.
The service will discuss some of the challenges Vanuatu faces such as child malnutrition, violence against women and the impactof COVID-19.
“There’s morning tea to follow,” said Annette. “Everyone is most welcome!”
Any inquiries, please call Annette on 0407 863 292.