Heart Foundation Walkers Spread Happiness!
Great to have another opportunity to promote Heart Foundation Walking in our community, this time at the Meals On Wheels Open Information Day. Maybe there are two more new members as a result. I was told I was the ‘Happy-est person’ there (wearing my red Walk Yourself Happy t-shirt).
Currently there are fourteen people in the ‘Cooloola Cove Wheelie Walkers’, but only three wheeling their walkers. Welcome Chris, our newest member.
We meet at 9am Mondays and Fridays at the Nautilus Drive Bus Shelter outside the shopping centre. Judy Kiddle (5486 2181) organises which way we walk and roll. Sometimes it’s Creekside Esplanade, other days it’s Nautilus Drive, and then again, variations where we head.
Congratulations to our CCWW Walk Organiser, Judy Kiddle for achieving her 50th walk Award Certificate and $10 voucher.
Congratulations to Tina Martin for gaining her 100th walk Certificate & Heart Foundation Walking Commemorative pin plus $15 voucher.
Congratulations to our 50th registered member, Susan R for your first HFW Award Certificate & $5 voucher for your 25th walk.
Welcome Peter, our new member of ‘One Step at a Time Tin Can Bay’. Peter and Maxine are our eleventh couple in our walking groups. There are seventeen men and twice as many women walking in the combined groups, plus 21 dogs, but we do not all get together simultaneously!
Walk Yourself Happy! It’s free, fun and a great way to improve our physical, mental, social and emotional health.
Maggie Travers Walk Organiser 0400 756 615.