April – free parenting workshops


‘Bringing Up Great Kids’

A Parenting Program for building good relationships with children. This is a six week course starting on Monday the 8th April.

The course teaches—reflective parenting, focusing on parent/child

communication; mindfulness; positive patterns of communication that

promote respectful family relationships; development of children’s positive self-identity. This course is aimed at parents who have children up to

the age of 10.

Time: 11.30-2.30pm

For details & bookings please phone

Jodie on 07 5409 2600 or

Andre on 07 54829012



‘Growing with Children—Pregnancy, Infancy, Toddlers’

Growing with children is for parents whose family stage is from conception to toddlerhood (pregnancy—3yrs).

The workshop covers: support systems; exploring parenting & family

relationships; emotional wellbeing; attachment; neurobiology; infant & family development. Every Tuesday for six weeks.

Date: 16th April (Tuesday)

Time: 12.30-2.30pm

Please contact 54 821805/54 829012 to register or

Email: connect@choice.org.au; or hub@spiderweb.com.au

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