Quilters Celebrate Birthdays In Quirky Style
On the second Tuesday of every month we celebrate members’ birthdays and our President Robyn Salmon made this quirky table runner for the occasion which was received with positive comments from members.
The soft pink quilt has been made by Teena Guy and has beautiful hand embroidered blocks. The design is called Isobella and has been made by several of our members.
Teena quilted this herself on a domestic sewing machine. The finished quilt is beautiful and something Teena can be proud of.
Tin Can Bay Quilters meet every Tuesday at 9am at the Community Hall, Amity Place, Tin Can Bay. On the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays we finish at 2pm to allow time for completing special projects and the other Tuesdays we finish at 12 noon.
Visitors are most welcome.
Lesley McCarthy