Wishing you a Very Turtle-y Christmas
Well everyone will remember 2020 as quite the year full of ups and downs, of worrying and wondering, of cancellations and going online, of missing family and friends and our volunteers.
But at this time of year we are looking forward to the Christmas season and new beginnings. Summer means it’s time to look for turtle tracks again. Our turtles from last year won’t be back for a couple of years, so we’re wondering…will we see more turtles this year?
With your help keeping an eye out for the distinctive tracks on the beach and reporting them, Coastcare will be able to monitor nesting, protect vulnerable nests from predators and accidental trampling and relocate nests in danger of drowning to our new turtle protection area when it is built, thanks to funding from the Queensland Government Citizen Science Grants program.
We’ll be rewarded with hatchlings making their way to the water and the long journey around the Pacific. Go to the website to join up as a volunteer: cooloolacoastcare.org.au/research/turtlecare
Like all volunteer organisations, a non-profit like Cooloola Coastcare is dependent on the hard work and initiative of the volunteers with help from our sponsors and grants. We thank all the members and volunteers for their hard work and support for the year in 2020 and invite people from Rainbow Beach, Cooloola Cove and Tin Can Bay to join us at our events and maybe even become a member in 2021.
Coastcare can help keen locals contribute in truly meaningful ways as stewards of our beautiful Cooloola area.
Looking ahead to 2021, we already have a bumper year of activities planned in addition to TurtleCare that runs until the end of March. Here’s some of the highlights and check the website for more info:
- a new weeding group starting at Rainbow Shores thanks to Jan Forbes (You can start a group in your area too. We have the tools and the knowhow to help you.)
- a new Junior Coastcare group starting in Rainbow Beach led by Marissa Paulden and friends
- WaterWatch will be back from January in all areas (There are some vacancies if you want to learn how to be involved)
- The Cooloola BioBlitz will be held on May 14, 15 and 16, with scientists coming into town to lead guided walks to map biodiversity
- we’ll be looking for boat owners to help with a seagrass survey using underwater cameras in the fifth year of our Tin Can Inlet Rehabilitation project
- be a part of our Reflect RAP ( Reconciliation Action Plan) led by Fiona Hawthorne
- Sue Davis from Wild/flower Women and Coastcare’s Linda Tabe and Nancy Haire are making plans for more wildflower and art activities and events, and
- more Science in the Hall events with our nifty new screen and projector.
Please get in touch with our coordinator, Lindy Orwin, if you have an idea to address an issue, opportunity or problem or even an environmental education event you want to start in the Cooloola region.
Contact: Coordinator@CooloolaCoastcare.org.au 0478 039 322, cooloolacoastcare.org.au
Stay safe and have a happy festive season.