Who’s New at the Zoo Round-up

Out & About 1 - Who's New in the ZooWelcome visitors

Enjoy the festive lead up, indulge in our beautiful surrounds and friendly folk.

I’d like to thank everyone involved in the “Who’s New at the Zoo-2” Welcome Dinner. Fi organised the food and more, Suzie liaised with our wonderful estate agents, Barb with Council for all the necessary permits. Tony and Nige sorted the bar.

Heatley and Bec cooked up on the BBQ, Wolf brought the ping pong, Kristie greeted all. Thanks Brooke, Shane, Mark, Tanya and everyone who came along. There’s some photos for you to find in the paper, too.

Not nearly as popular as last year, I am still pleased we welcomed about 10 new locals to town, and caught up with lovely longer-timers in Rainbow.

We listened to Joel Mak’s songs, tasted yummy selections from the Surf Club, Rainbow Fruit, IGA and Rainbow Meats, and everyone packed up quickly before the storm hit us.

Except the RBCT committee, who said they had to ‘keep an eye’ on the eskies. One backpacker tried to cook up their dinner in the downpour. He dodged the lightning to ask us if it was safe to walk home to the backpackers.

We said, ‘No, mate. Come and join us.’ (We had more shelter). We also had excess hot sausages, rocky road (who brought that yummy container full?) and some BBQ chips.

Two Danes, two Dutch and one Swede dripped over to us. It didn’t matter they were half our age, or that we had aprons draped over us to keep out the almost horizontal rain. As we rode the storm out, they taught us some things about their countries and Little Fat Lamb (which we resisted trying).

In the cultural interchange, they received lessons on how to eat sausages in Australia (that is with tomato sauce, not mayo) and why stubbie holders were vital. (I’d never thought about them being irrelevant in a land where winter reigns.)

The rain eased, we said our goodbyes – heart warmed, I realised that was what the welcome dinner was all about.

To all, a Merry Christmas xxx

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