We protect our dolphins
Visitor numbers have been down over the past two months which is a normally quiet time of the year.
With school holidays and the Easter break approaching, those numbers may increase, however those numbers may also be down due to the Coronavirus.
Be assured we have always taken special care at the centre in making sure your visit is safe and that the dolphins are safe.
We hand out fish tokens which have been sanitised and ask that visitors, if they have cold symptoms, always cough or sneeze into the crook of their arm or a tissue to stop germs spreading. This is just common sense.
Mystique has been showing off nearly every day with bringing in old beer bottles, milk bottles, plastics and rocks.
He has these items balanced on his rostrum and drops them at our volunteer’s feet. He is cleaning up the creek of discarded items whether thrown into the water or washed off the shorelines.
We believe that he is telling us something “please do not litter our waterways”. Unfortunately, plastics are the real curse to the oceans and waterways, killing our sea life.
Have a happy and safe Easter holiday.
See you there. Norma Sanderson (Dolphin Volunteer)