Trail Runs boasts a new race for 2014
Look out for 200 or so sweaty individuals as they traverse up to the Sandblow and some to Double Island Point Lighthouse – and back!
It is time for the annual Rainbow Beach Trail Runs. Held on Sunday November 16, this year a 5km event has been added.
“We had 139 finishers last year,” Race Director Joe Raftery explained, “with the inclusion of the 5km run we expect around 200 [people].”
“The 5km is introduced to give a little taste of trail running for those who aren’t capable or willing to do 11kms.”
Competitors love the scenery, and you can run, skip or walk the distance or choose to pace yourself for a longer event: 11, 25 or 43km.
Consider competing yourself (I know many locals are capable of a 5km walk or run – and more!) or cheer the runners on.
Starting at 5.30am, the 43km runners will do the 5k loop over the Sandblow at the start, then run back through town onto the beach.
They will then run 12kms up the beach to their first checkpoint. From there they will continue on towards Double Island Point and ascend to the lighthouse.
Runners will then descend Double Island Point on the ocean side and run along the beach to the turn-around point at the entrance of the Leisha track.
Then runners retrace their steps back up to the lighthouse and down the other side to checkpoint on the Rainbow Beach side of the Leisha track.
From here the runners follow the 25k finish to the end which goes back along the Telegraph Track.
A cut-off will apply at the ocean side of the Leisha Track. Competitors not making this point by 9.30am will be directed back along the telegraph track. This is about 21kms into the race.)
The 25km run takes off at 6.30am, and they will go down the beach towards Double Island but turn back along the Telegraph Track at the Leisha track crossing. If the beach is impassable the race will go out and back along the Telegraph Track.
At 7.30am, the 11km run will go up over the Carlo Sandblow and turn left along the Telegraph Track to a manned checkpoint at about the 5.8km mark. They then turn around and run back to the finish but bypass the sandblow.
The 5km run heads off at the same time (7.30am) and will also go up over the Carlo Sandblow but will then turn right after coming off the blow and head back to the finish.
All races take off from the Sports Club/Pool area and registration starts at $20 for non-members.
Registration is at the Sports Club between 5.30pm and 8.30pm on Saturday evening (where they will be putting on an “All you can eat” buffet at $25 per head) or you can register from 4:30am on Sunday.
All events on the Sunday finish at the Sports Club where breakfast will be on until 11am. Supporters can purchase breakfast on the day.
Volunteer organisers and SES members ensure the day is a success. To register or find out more about the races, visit the website. Registration closes on Wednesday, November 12 at 11.59pm.
For more information please contact Race Director Joe Raftery on 0408526057 or visit: