Tin Can Bay Quilters

Welcome to the new Tin Can Bay Quilters committee: Secretary Anne; President Annabell and Treasurer Leonie

Welcome to the new Tin Can Bay Quilters committee: Secretary Anne; President Annabell and Treasurer Leonie

After a forced holiday from quilting due to the virus, our quilting ladies were again happy to be heads down sewing (mostly talking).

We have our new committee, Annabell President, Anne Secretary, and Leonie Treasurer, adding sparkle to the year. Many thanks to our outgoing committee for holding us together and hopefully many hours sewing for them now.

Louise, our project organiser, already has many projects in her book to offer the quilters.

The hall has health requirements from the council, quilters are reminded to bring correct money, their own pen, cup and morning tea.

New members are most welcome. We have quilting Tuesdays 9am at the Community Centre, Gympie Road, opposite Bayside Road, Cooloola Cove turn off. Contact: Annabell 0412 491830

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