Tin Can Bay Fishing Report May 2015
by Jim Cole, www.tincanbayboathire.com.au, 0408 329 167
Surprise surprise, the weather man got it wrong! We had great weather over the Easter long weekend with the only exception being Good Friday, with only a few showers through the day.
The fishing during the holidays was red hot, with diver whiting in good numbers around Ida Island through to Tinnanbar. Baits of live yabbies, worms or squid have been giving the best results.
Diamond and golden trevally were active in good numbers as well with Snapper Creek and around Norman Point producing well, and the odd mangrove jack was being caught in the creeks, although night sessions have been the most productive.
The pike have shown up in numbers, with the jetty at Norman Point being a popular spot to target them. Best time is usually around the top of the tide as the run begins to slow. Small hard bodies and soft plastics around two inches long will often give the best results.
Pike make great live baits for big cod and also provide for a lot of fun on light gear, especially if you are trying to teach kids how to use plastics for the first time.
In the bay we have reports of longtail tuna and mackerel smashing bait. The chopper tailor are starting to show up and over the next few weeks we should see their numbers increase.
Try working around the mouth of creeks such as Snapper, Carlo and Teebar. Hard bodied lures, chrome slugs or floating a pillie will all give the desired result.
After rain earlier in the month, the mud crabs were plentiful and packed full of meat.
In the last week, there are reports of spotty and Spanish mackerel coming from around the channel between Inskip and Fraser, although a few smaller sharks have also been giving anglers some grief.
Squid and cuttlefish are still active around Norman Point through to Crab Creek. There have also been a few squire coming from the shallow reefs in the same area, although most have been undersize.
There have been a number of good flathead being caught lately. Walking the sand flats flicking lures around the end of the run out and start of the run in tide is a great way to pick up a feed of flathead.
Sand crabs are coming from Teebar Creek and try for muddies around Carlo Creek and Poverty Point.
If you’re after a feed of squid then try working the areas east of Norman Point, south towards crab creek.
Have a great weekend and stay safe on the water.