Tin Can Bay Fishing Club Update March 2021
This time of year Mangrove Jack is the target species for many inshore anglers, as they are normally a lot more active in the warmer months.
They don’t seem as widespread as they have been in the last couple of years but, in saying that, some quality fish are being caught by dedicated anglers fishing from late afternoon to early morning.
Fish are being caught on live baits as well as fresh flesh baits and lures have taken some good sized fish in the twilight hours.
Mud crabs seem to be a bit patchy with congregations in some areas at times and none in others. The movement and activity of the mud crabs and the Mangrove Jack could be partly dependent on the rainfall.
To this stage the summer rain fall locally is only one third of average and only one quarter of last year. This weather pattern could also have some influence on why there have been so many squid unusually at this time of year, with individual catches of thirty-plus not being uncommon.
There are a few quality bream being caught with the better sized fish in their mid 30cm being caught at night on fresh flesh baits. Flathead are a bit hit-and-miss, with some patches of them being seen in the shallows, but reluctant to take even a well presented and placed lure.
The Summer Whiting are a bit thin on the ground at the moment with a bit of work needed to catch enough for a decent feed.
The reef areas are producing a few fish with Sweetlip, Slatey Bream and cod being caught.
There are quite a few schools of mackerel around at the moment; with the legal size being 50cm it is important to be able to identify them, as they are very similar to other mackerel species which have a larger legal size limit. Info can be found by consulting Mr Google who seems to know all!
Sharks are still a problem on the reefs at the moment with some good fish being taken by a shark while being retrieved, and an angler was actually pulling in not a small shark that was bitten in half by a larger shark, so be careful when dangling your digits ( fingers and toes mainly) in the water.
At this time of year the weather can change quickly with near glassed-out conditions turning nasty with a tide change and a sudden pickup in wind strength causing waves and chop to build up quickly.
These conditions can be magnified with the periods of the larger tidal height variations, so keep an eye on the weather forecast and possible weather changes as it can mean a very uncomfortable and maybe dangerous ride back for smaller craft.