Tin Can Bay Fishing Club Update December 2018

Fishing Club - Jim George - Outside Waters Champion presented by Club President, John Field

Jim George – Outside Waters Champion presented by Club President, John Field

Catches have been reasonable lately, in spite of the winds, with reports from members of bream, flathead and cod being landed inside, plus plentiful whiting reported for those keen enough to rise early and get onto their favourite spots before the sun is up.

Catches of Tailor have been also reported along the beaches at Inskip and Fraser and a few being caught on the inside, just south of The Bluff.

The Club’s Annual Awards Presentation Day and Christmas Party was held at the Cooloola Coast Bowls Club on Saturday November 17 and all 75 attendees had a great lunch and very enjoyable afternoon social.

The winners of the 23 various sections, hotly contested in some cases, were all rewarded with trophies as mementos of their efforts.

Our special thanks for their ongoing support and attendance goes to Mayor Mick Curran and his wife Sue, plus Councillor Mark McDonald.

The Club takes it a bit slow during the Christmas period due to the numbers of members away visiting family and family visiting here. Our activities liven up from early February with our first meeting for 2019 being programmed for February 12 at 4pm.

Our last General Meeting for 2018 and Christmas Social will be held at the Club House – 33 Dolphin Ave, Tin Can Bay at 4pm Wednesday December 12.  BYO nibbles and drinks; all members and visitors are welcome. Ph: Secretary 0437 242171.

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