Tin Can Bay Fishing Club Report October 2020
With winter over and the water warming up this may trigger the spawning process of some species and also active feeding for them.
Flathead are in good numbers at the moment being caught on both bait and lures, and the females are fat and heavy in roe so take a couple of smaller ones for a feed of fresh fish and release the bigger females, after taking a photo or two.
Summer whiting have been caught in good numbers with most of them heavy in roe so it would be good to see all fisher folk catch only a feed and not exploit their spawning activity at this time, which will result in better fish stocks for the future.
There are still a few sand crabs on the move, so those whiting frames can be put to good use in your pots.
There is a large amount of weed moving with the tide throughout the bay at the moment causing some problems with all types of fishing, but this should hopefully clear up in a few weeks.
The club executive is happy to announce that the October 21 General Meeting will commence at the Club House as planned at 4pm, followed immediately by the Annual General Meeting.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions, only financial members will be able to attend.
For any information in relation to membership or just general information please contact the Secretary: M: 0437 242-171. Email: tcbfishingclub@bigpond.com
Stay Safe.