Three break-ins, Rainbow Beach

Over this last weekend three break and enters have occurred in Rainbow Beach: two to properties on Manooka Drive and one business broken into on Rainbow Beach Road.

The Manooka Drive incidents were at neighbouring houses were the offender/s have committed a sneak break on the first home while the victims were at home, stealing a wallet and contents, mobile phone and iPad from the lower level of a two-story home that was left unsecured.

The other home was broken into and searched, the offender/s left signs of camping behind at the home using it as a place to sleep for the night.

The business on Rainbow Beach Road was broken into and had a glass tip jar stolen, it was in full view on the counter and contained a reasonable amount of money.

Please be vigilant and lock your doors, even if you are at home, and remove anything of value or place it out of sight.

It is believed that all these offences are possibly linked, keep an eye out for anything or anyone suspicious in the area and report it to police.

If you have information for police, contact Policelink on 131 444 or provide information using the online form 24hrs per day.

You can report information about crime anonymously to Crime Stoppers, a registered charity and community volunteer organisation, by calling 1800 333 000 or via 24hrs per day.

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