The dragon boats are back!

Long-time club member/paddler also long-serving Club Secretary Elaine Dimock, celebrates birthday with fellow Dragons

Long-time club member/paddler also long-serving Club Secretary Elaine Dimock, celebrates birthday with fellow Dragons

After three long months of no paddling, last Sunday saw our Dragon Boat with 13 paddlers and one Sweep take to the water on a perfect Tin Can Bay winter morning.

What a great feeling for all paddlers and for the locals to see the Dragon Boat on Snapper Creek once again!!

Following an approved Covid 19 plan, a full boat of paddlers are allowed but strict guidelines to be followed in the shed, pre/post paddle and cleaning of all equipment. But we ARE back!

The Dragon’s Lair is open again, take away only, each market day, in the RSL hall. So come for your hot breakfast or coffee and cake in the hall at the TCB Markets on the third Saturday of each month.

While the Dragons love to paddle, we also love to socialise. Last Thursday at Gunabul Restaurant in Gympie, the Dragons gathered for lunch to celebrate the birthday of long-time paddler and long-serving secretary of our club, Elaine Dimock. A great time was had by all!

Our training days continue on Thursday afternoon and Sunday mornings. We love to welcome new members, so please come and try. For further information on our club please phone coach Sandy on 0402352746.

Promotions Officer Gwyneth Moore

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