Thanks for your donations
The Cooloola Coast Local Ambulance Committee would like to acknowledge two very generous donations which were recently received.
The first was from the Tin Can Bay Quilters with a cheque for the handsome sum of $1100. The money was raised by the Quilters during a special event in May which was very successful and attracted a large attendance.
The club has been most supportive of the Ambulance Service in the past, both with donations and with participation in our annual Flower Show.
The second equally welcome donation was from the Sleepy Lagoon Hotel Sports and Social Club. They donated $500 as a contribution to the work of our local Ambulance Officers. The club had also donated a further $500 earlier in the financial year.
The LAC is very grateful for the efforts of both these organisations and the financial support which they have shown now and in the past. The money will be put to good use to provide specialised equipment for both the Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach Ambulance Stations.