Testing for COVID-19
As restrictions continue to ease across Queensland, respected local healthcare organisation, PHN, is asking anyone displaying even the mildest COVID-19 symptoms to get tested for the virus.
Symptoms can include a cough, sore throat, fever, trouble breathing, fatigue or a runny nose.
Rainbow Beach General Practice Doctor, Dr Andrew Spall said “Telehealth is in place until September so it can be ordered by the GP without having to physically see you and the referral can then be sent straight to the lab. “
Dr Anthony Brangan from Cooloola Coast General Practice said: “ GPs can do swabs but have to send the swab away to a Path Lab for testing. It is quicker to get a referral/recommendation letter from the GP to then attend one of the listed clinics. Results would be quicker but patients may have to book to get into the clinic in Gympie.”
Dr Jon Harper from PHN said testing was simple and quick. “The test involves inserting the swab into the nose and then rotating it slowly to pick up any secretions,” Dr Harper said.
“These samples are then transferred to the nearest laboratory set up to test for COVID-19.
The standard test can also detect COVID-19 infection in people who are not showing many symptoms.
“We know washing your hands thoroughly with soap, using hand sanitiser, coughing and sneezing into your elbow, and staying at home if you’re sick are some of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other viruses like influenza,” Dr Harper said.
“They are great habits to keep up with as people start to return to the workplace and engage in social activity again.”
A list of fever and respiratory clinics is available on the Queensland Health website: qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/stay-informed/testing-and-fever-clinics