Tell council what is needed for business success

Council’s SAGE Women event was held at Tin Can Bay Marina Bar and Grill last month - where attendees enjoyed a delicious cooked breakfast

Council’s SAGE Women event was held at Tin Can Bay Marina Bar and Grill last month – where attendees enjoyed a delicious cooked breakfast

At the SAGE Women roundtable event in Tin Can Bay last month, four issues were identified as crucial for business success in the region.

Participants asked council to progress remote access to every council workshop or session to enable participation from your desk. Advocacy to ensure better internet and a smoother transition to the NBN rollout was identified as critical.

Attendees agreed understanding skill sets within Chambers and across the region, as well as face-to-face networking was something that council could assist.

It was also identified that reduction of red tape and prompt replies for local community event organisers would also be a valuable contribution from council.

Other issues discussed included access to childcare, postage and travel issues when conducting businesses in rural areas like ours. The role of VIC websites was also raised.

A series of these events were held throughout the region where women spoke about their experiences in starting or operating a business in the Gympie Region.

To help council know more, fill in a survey – it takes 15 minutes to complete.

“It’s the tip of the iceberg,” said Lynne Wilbraham from Council’s Economic Development Branch. “This is the start of this project, there are others running parallel to this, including bringing international education into the region.

The SAGE Women project is being delivered in collaboration with the Queensland Government through the Advancing Women in Business Initiative.

You can access the survey at or phone 1300 307 800.

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