tin can bay school Archive

Tin Can Bay State School December 2020 News: NAIDOC Day Last month, the students from Prep to Year 10 at

Fun Fun Fun at Tin Can Bay School!: Students at Tin Can Bay School enjoyed a day of multi-coloured fun

Winners are grinners at Tin Can Bay P-10 State School: Excitement was high as groups of students from Year 5 and 6

Tin Can Bay School has a successful month!: Gympie Principal and Council Forum Last month the Gympie Regional Council hosted

Tin Can Bay School – Garden Club is back: Fruit break and morning tea had a delicious crunchy ring to it

A Wonderful Welcome Back!: Nerves and excitement were in equal measure as students in years two-to-ten

Students have a ball tinkering with toys: Mrs Battaglene (TCB P-4 HaSS teacher) The Year 2’s at Tin Can