Seniors Archive

Celebrate Our Sensational Seniors: Honouring Our Remarkable Local Seniors Nominations are now officially open for the

Grants Open For Seniors Celebration: The 2023 Seniors Month grants, a program that provides a funding pool

Putting a Spotlight on Scams for Seniors Month: The Office of Fair Trading is sharing tips for older Queenslanders to

Senior Citizen of the Year Awards 2022: Nominations open now for the 2022 Gympie Region Senior Citizen of the

Celebrating Seniors In October: Seniors make a huge contribution to our community through employment, volunteering, grand-parenting,

Cooloola Seniors Expo a huge success: Theresa Fear, Secretary, Cooloola Cove Residents and Friends Inc The Cooloola Seniors

Celebrating our sensational seniors: Our fabulous seniors make a huge contribution to the Cooloola Coast region

Library Happenings on the Coast: Cooloola Coast Art Drawing – Every Monday 9.30-11.30am Join us at the
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