Rainbow Beach Community Hall Archive

‘Playground’ spectacular exhibition!: An incredible show by a world renowned artist, Paul Hagan, is coming
Date set for Festival of Small Halls: Organiser Brooke Bignall has received confirmation that the  Festival of Small Halls
Congratulations Mr and Mrs Baker: Long time locals Annette and Geoff Cochrane were delighted to celebrate the
Firkins of fun at Trivia Night: by Michelle Gilmore When you sat down at the annual Rainbow Beach
Calling all trivia, wine or cheese lovers: Rainbow Beach State School P&C  invites community members to attend the annual
Spring has sprung, come celebrate….: Rainbow Beach Spring Festival is on this Saturday, September 3 at the
Save the date – the Pigs are coming to Rainbow Beach: The third annual Rainbow Beach Pig Day Out event is happening at
May the best team win!: Come along to the P&C Trivia, Wine and Cheese Night on Friday,
Calling all trivia, wine or cheese lovers: Rainbow Beach State School P&C invites community members to attend a Trivia Wine and