dolphin feeding Archive

Come and feed the dolphins: If you visited the Dolphin Centre with family over the school holidays
Arrive early to feed the dolphins: Hopefully Queensland will benefit with the closure of the border, however, even
Keeping the dolphins and visitors Covid safe: Strict hygiene and social distancing has to be adhered to at the
Mystique and friends await your return: At last Barnacles Cafe and the Dolphin Centre are open. Visitors are
Volunteers still caring for our dolphins: Many things have been happening since last month due to the Coronavirus
We protect our dolphins: Visitor numbers have been down over the past two months which is
Memorable dolphin experience: During February the dolphin viewing still attracted visitors, though not as many
All positive comments from our Dolphin Visitors: The best place to be is at the Dolphin Centre during the
Dolphin report December 2019: Norma Sanderson There are still a lot of visitors taking advantage of
Dolphin Report: What a wonderful time at the Dolphin Centre with most of the