Cooloola City Farm Archive

Cooloola City Farm reopens: City Farm has been closed, but we plan to re-open on June
Cooloola City Farm – Frogs: Unfortunately, Cooloola City Farm is closed for an indefinite period during the
Help attract butterflies: If you enjoy seeing the fleeting flashes of colour that butterflies bring
Attract native animals to your garden: At a time when millions of our native animals have perished because
Mulching protects your plants: In these hot summer months, your plants will cope much better if
Plant your garden to suit soil conditions: As I write, there is a bushfire on Fraser Island and many
Cooloola City Farm: Pavetta australiensis is a shrub occurring in dry rainforest along the Queensland
Memories of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie at City Farm: Banksias were named after Sir Joseph Banks who obtained specimens as Cook’s
City Farm now only open three days a week: Our plant of the month is Hibiscus heterophyllus (Native/wild rosella) which is
Native plants thrive in natural environment: Although the soil in our wallum country is nutrient poor and the