Summer Sailing season

Although there were no official race results for Sunday 12, the fleet of nine (including a new fifteen) all hit the water and headed out into quite gusty conditions, under the support of some new volunteer start boat crew.

There was a bit of a mix up with the dash to the start race with many vessels thinking they’d finished when they passed the start boat (who were busy still putting out the No.3 buoy rather than sitting on the line).

Lining up for race two, a certain FF skipper was checking the start line but seemed to not notice the start boat and came away a little the worse for wear and had to limp home.

The remaining eight all started race two and commenced zooming round the course, with many a capsize for the smaller boats, a grounding by Topaz (becoming quite common), and lots of strong gusts and lumpy water to keep everyone working hard, and Billy the Kid flying around at incredible speed.

The conditions took their toll and one of the single handers broke its tension device and went over, requiring the start boat to do a rescue mission.

This was around the time many had decided to abandon and head for home. It was an exhilarating reach back to the safety of the creek for a hot shower and a BBQ, where all sat around to talk of their adventures. We hope that the new volunteers weren’t scared off from returning on another day!

Congratulations to the new executive of the TCBYC: Russell Shannon as Commodore, Michele McAndrew Vice Commodore, Bob Southern Treasurer and Graham Lee, Secretary. General inquiries:

Michelle (race handicapper)

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