Stay Safe this Storm Season
Terry Steele,
Cooloola Coast Community Local Disaster Management Support Group
0439 862 264
The 2020-21 La Nina weather system is nearing its end, and at this stage has not resulted in the Gympie Region being affected by major storms and rainfall.
The Bureau does predict that La Nina’s influence is likely to persist into April with outlooks indicating a wetter than average month for northern and eastern parts of Australia.
Our emergency services remain prepared and residents need to continue to be alert and prepared. You can make a big difference to your safety by taking a few small steps –
- Prepare your home
- Pack your emergency kit
- Have an emergency and evacuation plan
- Make sure you have adequate insurance in place
For further information and to access tools, please go to:
The group meets quarterly on the first Tuesday of the month: 9am Tuesday June 1 for a 9.30am start at Cooloola Cove Veterans and Community Hall, Santa Maria Court, Cooloola Cove.