Stay Safe This Storm Season

Recent storms and heavy rain have shown that emergency services are prepared but residents need to be ready too.  You can make a big difference to your safety by taking a few small steps

  • Prepare your home – make sure your gutters are clean, trim trees and overhanging branches, secure loose items that could be blown around
  • Pack your emergency kit – prepare for at least three days of isolation
  • Have an emergency and evacuation plan – make sure you include your pets
  • Make sure you have adequate insurance in place

Get Ready Queensland provides a year-round program helping all Queenslanders prepare for natural disasters and provides great information about being prepared –

For local disaster management information visit Council’s Disaster Dashboard –

Gympie Regional Council continues to monitor the COVID-19 situation and will assess any potential impacts on Council services and events.

COVID-19 updates and information can be found on Council’s website,, and the Queensland Health website,

Cooloola Coast Community Local Disaster Management Support Group meets quarterly on the first Tuesday of the month (March, June, September and December 2021), at Cooloola Cove Veterans and Community Hall, Santa Maria Court, Cooloola Cove.

Contact: Terry Steele – 0439 862 264

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