Slowing it down will not solve the problem
This petition, proposed by our local Member Tony Perrett, is progressing well and being well received by tourists to our wonderful coast. But there are many stories of near misses caused by senseless driving on our roads.
Tony Stewart has been pounding pavements and visiting campers to ask for signatures. He firmly believes with the State Government promoting tourism, there is also a need to promote safety for those unfamiliar with our regional roads.
Tony said, “It appears that patience is a huge issue, hence the need for some pull off areas and the odd overtaking lane.”
“I have heard (and I don’t know who has suggested this) that the Government may lower the speed limit to 90 km per hour. Can you believe this? How would this work?”
Tony says it would create longer lines of traffic, more passing on double lines and more accidents.
He says, “Just go around and ask any caravanner how they can pull over off the verge… to help traffic flow.”
If anyone can offer a couple of hours per week to help encourage signatures and spread the petition, please call Tony Stewart on 0408767930.
Tony said, “Our petition would have around 6000 signatures, but it closes in eight weeks, so we need more people to get on their skates to make this a success!”
Sign and share the E-petition ‘State controlled road safety issue – Gympie to Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach: