RSL Tin Can Bay News
Members are advised that at present there are no welfare or wellbeing officers working out of Tin Can Bay RSL Sub-branch.
If you need to contact someone for welfare advice or support, please contact Gympie RSL Sub-branch. Their welfare officers can be reached on 5483 7707.
That said, if you need help gaining assistance, please contact us at Tin Can Bay. The office phone number is 5486 4224 (not always attended), or drop in to the bar, generally open as follows:
Tuesday and Wednesday: 3pm – 5.30pm
Thursday and Friday: 3pm – 7.30pm
Saturday: 12.00 noon – 3.30pm
Sunday: 12.00 noon – 4.30pm
Remembrance Day
We’d also like to remind everyone of our Remembrance Day service on November 11, assembling at the ANZAC Memorial park at 10.45am, service at 11am and followed by a gathering at the RSL.
Drop-in Sausage Sizzle
Friday November 6 will be our first Drop-In Sausage Sizzle. We plan to hold these on the first Friday of each month, from 11.30am through to 1.30pm. So, if you need some information about services or if you just need someone to talk to, drop in!
Volunteers Needed
With the easing of Covid-19 restrictions we are continuing to provide a venue for anyone wanting to get out and about. Our Music and BBQ on the Deck is the place to be on Sunday, and we are reinstating some of our pre-Covid activities, such as the drop-In sausage sizzle.
Other activities will be the Remembrance Day commemorative service on November 11, and not too long after that will be Christmas!
All these things take time and effort to arrange and maintain. If you have ever thought about volunteering to help out with things around the sub-branch, it would be great to hear from you – members and non-members alike! Whether you can spare time on a regular basis or on a one-time event, please contact us or drop in to the office or bar and let us know.
Life Membership
Two of our members have been recognised for services rendered as members of RSL Queensland. Don Holland, the TCB RSL Sub-branch President recently had the pleasure of presenting Stan Ward and Terry Steele each with a certificate of life membership to RSL Australia.