RSL Tin Can Bay….is OPEN!
We have reopened the RSL sub-branch with reduced hours as a first step after being closed due to Covid-19.
As and when things ease further, we hope to be able to re-start our other activities. It will be a bit of ‘suck-it-and-see’.
For now, and in line with the COVID-19 Roadmap to Easing Queensland’s Restrictions, there are strict rules to be complied with. In addition, as other establishments are re-opening at the same time, stock of some drinks will be limited for a short time.
As a first step, but not much different to pre-COVID hours, we will be open as follows: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 3pm to 5pm. Saturday and Sunday 12 noon to 3pm.
There will be a limit of 20 people at any one time, with table service only, and of course, the social distancing rules remain in place.
All members are welcome, however with the ongoing restrictions and our limited space, we ask that you are patient and understanding. Patrons who do not comply will be refused entry and/or service.
We do look forward to catching up with you all (although not all at once!) and having a drink.