RSL fundraises for nippers

VLUU L110, M110  / Samsung L110, M110A Sub Branch raffle at the Surf Club on ANZAC Day raised $1,385 for the RBSLSC nippers. We hope this contributes towards the running costs for this important part of our community. We wish to thank all local businesses that contributed towards this important cause and much needed funds assisting the nippers.

RAAF 1 SQN FLT LT Markham was presented a beautiful rosewood plaque from our President Joe Casey. This plaque was for 10 years of RAAF 1 SQN attending our Rainbow Beach ANZAC Day Services, coming all the way from Amberley near Ipswich each year.

Our next public ceremonial commemorative event will be Vietnam Veterans Day, 18August 2014, held at the town cenotaph, starting at 11am. We invite all the community and visitors to this ceremony.


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