Road Closures at Rainbow
Nothing said ‘Covid-19 is serious’ more than losing access to the beach for 4WD lovers just before the Easter holidays.
When we posted on our Facebook page that the beach access closed on April 3 at 4.54pm, our post reached 79,668 people with 8000 engagements, 58 comments and 102 shares – it was met with absolute disbelief.
How could there be an Easter with no 4WD-ing on the magnificent Cooloola Coast, no camping at Teewah Beach and no surfing at Double Island Point?
It was unheard of and the Easter break is the busiest mini break of the year in the Gympie Region with people travelling for miles to set up tents or visit holiday homes for a week of R & R.
We are thrilled to report that once the shock was over and people knew it was a non-negotiable situation, nearly everyone did the right thing and everyone accepted it.
It seems like a long time ago when the word Coronavirus was first used and the horror it created, but now, a mere month later, people have learnt to stay at home and have learnt a thing or two about themselves.
There have been business casualties with so many having to close temporarily while others are changing their operations to suit.
But, we are here and waiting for when restrictions are lifted to welcome everyone back to this incredible place we call home.