Register now for Kids Fishing Training Day!

Elora, grand-daughter of club member, Jane Potter, on a recent holiday in Tin Can Bay learns how to fish
With the drought certainly broken locally, there is a lot of fresh and dirty water running into the creeks and estuary.
Reportedly, this has the mud crabs on the move and some good quality specimens have been caught, but remember the crab pots have to be in the water and not hanging in the back shed.
The fresh water tends to float on top of the salt water, so don’t be discouraged from fishing in some slightly dirty water as it is probably salty and cooler underneath. Some quality mangrove jack and grunter are currently being caught in these situations.
When the cleaner salty water is pushing in on the rising tide this can be a good fishing situation in the creeks. There have been a few quality flathead, whiting and bream caught recently, but they are not in big numbers so they have to be targeted at the right time of tide and situation.
The inside reefs and ledges have gone a bit quiet with only a few fish being caught. The barometric pressure associated with current weather patterns may be having some influence on the fish wanting to feed, or it could be the weather influence keeping all but the keenest (or just plain mad) anglers at home.
With the opportunity taken to get on the water between the bouts of bad weather the rewards should come, even if they are only the enjoyment of nature’s surroundings.
The Tin Can Bay Fishing Club is both proud and excited to announce that we have secured a grant to conduct several community events again in 2020.
There are three types of event in total to be sponsored through Queensland Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Recreational Fishing Grant 2020.
Event 1: Sunday April 4, Kids Fishing Training Day – previously held as the Sunfish Kids Fishing Day but Sunfish Funding is no longer available.
One of the TCB Fishing Club’s objectives includes teaching our juniors how to fish, to have fun and to enjoy recreational fishing. We will accommodate up to 25 juniors between 7-15 years of age at this 2020 event.
This event will be run by qualified instructors from within the club and with assistance provided by TCB Fishing Club Blue Card-holder members, plus club members.
This day is provided at no cost to the participants and they are taught how to tie knots, rig a rod, baiting and casting and then fishing the tidal area at low tide on Norman Point.
In addition to this, they are presented with a new rod and reel, line, tackle, tackle box and a Certificate of Attendance, plus water, morning tea and a hearty BBQ lunch. Registration is essential as places are limited and at least one responsible adult is required to accompany their child throughout the entire activity.
Full details and nomination forms can be obtained by contacting the secretary via email at Nominations are restricted to children who have not completed this event in the past and are only accepted after the secretary has received a correctly completed nomination form.
Event 2: Sunday May 3 – free Fishing Training Day for senior members of the community.
Event 3: Late May / early June 2020 – free Basic Boating and Safety Course for members of the community.
More information for events 2 and 3 will be posted shortly on our web page and Facebook as details are finalised, and full details will be published in the April edition of the Rainbow Beach Cooloola Coast Community News.
Next General Meeting will be held at 4pm on Wednesday April 15 at our Club House, 33 Dolphin Ave, Tin Can Bay. Contact the secretary on: 0437 242-171 or email: All welcome.