Regattas begin for the Dragon Boat Club

State premier squad receiving some last  minute training prior to their race - Shane  Berkhout, our assistant coach made the squad this year

State premier squad receiving some last minute training prior to their race – Shane Berkhout, our assistant coach made the squad this year

Gwyneth Moore

Last month, the Cooloola Dragon Boat Club competed in their first regatta for the year. This regatta was held at Lake Kawana by the Brisbane River Dragon Boat Club with approx 20 teams competing.

Cooloola Dragon team was joined by four members of the Hervey Bay Dragon Boat team to race as team Cooloola. While we didn’t come home with any trophies, it was a great day of racing, with good race times and a day of fun and fellowship with members of all the participating teams.

In the Gympie Show Pavilion on March 16, the Cooloola Dragon Boat Club will be manning a stall at the ‘Connecting the Community’ event to be held there. Come along and talk with members for information about our great club, or alternatively phone our Head Coach Sandy Wooster 0402352756 or Club President Sylvia Simpson 0417707960 and come and try!

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