Recycle week, art workshops, free eBooks and more!

Discussing books of interest the first Thursday of the month: Manfred Gessner, Coral Johnson, Caroline Taylor and Jenny Tanner

Discussing books of interest the first Thursday of the month: Manfred Gessner, Coral Johnson, Caroline Taylor and Jenny Tanner

Rainbow Beach – Library Happenings

Monday and Thursday 9.30am – 12.30pm, Wednesday and Friday 2pm – 5pm,

Saturday 9am – 12noon, 5486 3705, Visit us at:


Gympie Regional Libraries welcome new members and joining is easy! Just bring along a form of identification with your current residential address, and our friendly staff will sign you up.

Members can take advantage of our 20-item loan limit for a three week loan period. Members also have full access to our eLibrary which includes eBooks, eMagazines and eMusic available to download on your device. Visitors to the region are welcome to join.

Art Workshops at Rainbow Beach Library

Join us every second and fourth Thursday of the month at 10am for art workshops by Jenny! Starting on the Thursday, October 27 Jenny will cover various types of art – from sketching with charcoals to painting with watercolours and acrylics – morning tea provided.

Borrow Box is at Gympie Regional Libraries

We are VERY excited to now give you free access to Bolinda Digital through Borrow Box. You can now read 100s of eBooks and listen to 100s of eAudio titles for free. Go to your app store to download the free Borrow Box app and you can start borrowing using your Gympie Regional Libraries library card.

National Recycling Week – 7-13 November 2016

Elli Webb with be joining our F5F session on Monday, November 7 at 9.30am to help us celebrate National Recycling Week. Elli will talk to the children about the importance of Reducing, Re-using and Recycling with craft activities focusing on recycling.

the_circle_dave_eggers_novel_-_cover_artBook Review by Geoff

The Circle

Dave Eggers


Imagine a world where Google, Facebook, YouTube and Microsoft have all been displaced or absorbed by a new digital giant – the Circle.

All your online data is linked through a single powerful system and all your social media needs are met with just one password – and everyone loves it! It ushers in a new age of sharing and caring, transparency and civility.

A bright young woman called Mae Holland goes to work for the Circle at their vast, trendy California campus. It is an environment where idealism, innovation and openness meet.

The atmosphere is one of enlightenment, tolerance and goodwill, overseen by the constant, benevolent presence of the wise men who created the algorithms that made it all possible.

One of the wise men tells Mae that “everyone should have a right to know everything, and should have the tools to know anything”. They come up with some new mottos: “Secrets are lies” and “Privacy is theft”, which are promoted throughout the company.

Mae is on her way up, and her day-to-day life – via video/audio feeds from devices that she wears like clothing – is soon being followed by millions, then billions, around the world. This is Facebook/Instagram on steroids.

In an age when many people are willing to surrender their privacy in a big way and place all their finances and personal data in the cloud, the warnings in this book are well worth considering.

The idea that all politicians and government actions should be transparent appeals to many people, but perhaps the real question is: “who watches the watchers?”

Will the people who control private corporations make all their own actions transparent? How do you install checks and balances on them? And perhaps there really is, and always has been, a deep human need for private space, and time to reflect. Sharing is not always caring.

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