RB Commerce and Tourism holds AGM
The AGM will be chaired for the election of the executive for the next twelve months – 5.30pm at the Sports Club, Tuesday September 16.
Following the AGM there will be a general meeting. Although the Agenda will be set, it will be an ideal time for members to discuss any issues they may have in general business.
Any business owner is welcome to attend the meeting but memberships must be paid prior to the meeting to have voting rights.
Thanks for the feedback regarding funding and help towards the Progress Association’s Serpent Festival in September 2015. A lot of businesses have offered to contribute with council also dipping in to help get this festival under way.
The illegal camping issue is still not resolved but we have had a discussion with Jan Watt from Gympie Cooloola Tourism and she is doing the groundwork for us with QTIC as this is not just regional but a Queensland issue.
The closing of the golf course has had a big impact on residents and tourists and I believe other avenues are being investigated.
The Secretary has been following up on the matter of beach fees and the Rainbow Beach Master Plan – our Local Member will advise as soon as new information becomes available.