Rainbow Beach State School Athletics Carnival
Athletics Carnival
We were very happy with the Athletics Day Carnival as it provided an opportunity to showcase the students’ athletic abilities. Even more impressive was the many examples of great sportsmanship that was on display for all to see.
We are all very proud of our students’ individual efforts and feel very fortunate that our children can be so supportive of each other. This is something we work hard to encourage, and recognise that many of these attributes start in the home.
It was a very close result for the inter-house competition with only a handful of points separating Cooloola and Fraser this year.
Cross Country 2020
A huge thanks to our staff and volunteers for your help in setting up for cross country and assistance in running the event last month.
I think we were very fortunate that the weather held out just long enough for us to complete all of the races. The overcast conditions actually were favourable for the running.
Congratulations to Cooloola on their winning of the bragging rights for 2020. It was great to see all of the students trying their best and supporting one another. Special congratulations for our year level champions for such a fantastic effort!
Pupil Free Day
Friday, September 4, is a state-wide pupil free day. Our staff will be working on this day participating in Regional Pre-moderation of Term 4 English and Maths units. This is one of only a few opportunities we have throughout the year to devote time for all of us to participate in professional development.
Handball Championships
It is time again for the greatest competition on earth, the Rainbow Beach State School Handball Championships. The championships are aimed to promote edge-of-your-seat battles, a give-it-a-go attitude and most importantly good sportsmanship.
Students in years 2-6 are eligible to play in one of the four divisions. Entry to this event is just $2 and guarantees you a shot at the title, as well as entry in regular raffles held throughout the competition.
This year for the first time ever, for those future handball champions from Prep and Year 1 we are introducing the ‘Junior Handball Supporter’. For the value price of 50 cents, Prep and Year 1 will be part of all the daily raffles.
So Come On and Get Your Handball On!
High School Enrolments
St Patrick’s College invites you to enrol your child for Year 7 in 2020, if you haven’t already done so and you are intending to enrol. They have almost filled three of our four available classes and advise that once places are filled, we will move to a Wait List.
Visit their website: spcgympie.qld.edu.au and click on the Enrolments tab to bring up our Online Application for Enrolment. Once the form has been submitted and you have sent your child’s Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate (if appropriate), Semester 1 2020 Report and Year 5 NAPLAN results to us, we will contact you for an Enrolment Interview.
They look forward to meeting you soon!