Rainbow Beach State School

Jane from Gympie Library Lily dressed up in their ‘Find Your Treasure’ costumes as part of Book Fair
Danny Stanieg – Principal
We have had a great couple of weeks since last publication with loads happening inside the classroom and plenty of extra-curricular activities as well!
Between Book Fair, Hansel and Gretel Opera and NAIDOC celebrations, the students have definitely been exposed to some serious cultural activities.
The Book Fair was very successful and the school now has $450 worth of new books for the library. A special thank you must go to Therese Dargusch for her outstanding efforts setting up the Book Fair celebrations, as well as all the students and parents for making such a great effort to dress-up in the ‘Find Your Treasure’ theme.
NAIDOC celebrations were held last month and students participated in a range of activities organised by local indigenous people. The students absolutely loved the day and we would like thank Nikki and her band of helpers for providing our students with a variety of great cultural activities.
Members of our hard working P&C committee and I worked the Gympie Bunnings sausage sizzle on Sunday August 19. It was a long day sausage flipping but well worth the effort. We sold over 500 sausages and raised more than $1000 for the school – thank you Rainbow Beach
Meats for supplying the sausages and Ed’s Beach Bakery for the bread. A big thanks to all who worked the stand!
Lastly, I have been to many schools over the past 15 years, teaching and being involved in both strategic and operational matters whilst in administration roles. From these experiences, I have come to this conclusion and want everyone to know: Rainbow Beach State School is a GREAT SCHOOL!