Rainbow Beach School garden wins second place

Guy Bergin serves up a cuppa and delicious scones made by Mrs Young’s Grade 2/3 class to Denise Crowley, whilst Elva and Mikayla prepare for her tour
As always there are many wonderful achievements to celebrate such as:
- second prize in the school section of the Gympie Garden Expo’s Garden competition
- Charlie Kingsley winning an iPad for his class
- installation of the new library shelving (thanks to Mrs. Dargusch, Mrs. Lane and all of the wonderful volunteers who helped out, moving over 10,000 books is no small feat!)
- 11 students at Gympie Zone Cross Country and
- 1 student competing in the Wide Bay Soccer Trials
- the local Christian community provided a special morning tea to thank staff for their support of chaplaincy
Coming up in June is our Inter school Sports Day, Schools Performance Tours, Athletics Carnival and holidays once again!
The Readers Cup is an annual state wide competition run by the Children’s Book Council. It takes the form of a comprehension competition, with all questions based on a six set book list. Thanks to the Rainbow Beach Sports Club, we will travel to Hervey Bay on June 2 to compete in the Wide Bay section.
P&C Meeting – be welcomed Thursday, June 16 at 2.45pm at school.
Garden Open Day Considering it was a patch of lawn two years ago, just look at our garden now – we have come a long way since then!
The team of judges was very impressed with the standard and extent of our young garden. They particularly liked the living tunnel created by Madagascar beans and gourd plants and the passionfruit vine growing on a fishing net.
As part of Eat Local month, visitors toured the kitchen garden at an open morning and ate Devonshire teas with rosella jam made from our very own fruit.